A Little Story About the `yes` Unix Command

What’s the simplest Unix command you know? There’s echo, which prints a string to stdout and true, which always terminates with an exit code of 0. Among the series of simple Unix commands, there’s also yes. If you execute it without arguments, you get an infinite stream of y’s, separated by a newlin… More »

Lightning Fast Image Previews with Pure CSS and LQIP

My website is reasonably fast. There was one thing left which really annoyed me: layout reflow after images got loaded. The problem is, that the image dimensions are not known when the text is ready to be displayed. As a result, the text will be pushed down on the screen as soon as an image is loaded above. I decided to fix that once and for all. More »

Go vs Rust? Choose Go.

Rust or Go, which one should I choose? is a question I get quite often. Both languages seem to be competing for the same user base and they both seem to be *systems programming* languages, so there must be a clear winner, right? More »

Of Boxes and Trees - Smart Pointers in Rust

Recently, I tried to implement a binary tree data structure in Rust. Each binary tree has a root value, a left, and a right subtree. I started from this Python implementation, which is quite straightforward. More »

Why Type Systems Matter

I’ve written most of my code in dynamically typed languages such as Python or PHP. But ever since dabbling with Rust, I’ve developed a passion for static type systems. It began to feel very natural to me; like a totally new way to express myself. More »

Being a Professional Programmer

When I was around 12, I set myself the goal to become a professional programmer. I can tell, because at this time I made the conscious decision to use my right hand to control the mouse — even though I’m left-handed. My reasoning was, that if I ever had to help out a colleague with a computer proble… More »

The Future of Rust

Let me first point out the obvious: yes, the title is a little sensationalist. Also you might be asking why I should be entitled to talk about the future of Rust. After all, I’m neither part of the Rust core team, nor a major contributor to the Rust ecosystem. To that I answer: why not? It’s fun to … More »

Launching a URL Shortener in Rust using Rocket

One common systems design task in interviews is to sketch the software architecture of a URL shortener (a bit.ly clone, if you may). Since I was playing around with Rocket – a web framework for Rust – why not give it a try? More »

The Essence of Information

People look confused when I tell them about my passion for algorithms and data-structures. Most of them understand what a Programmer is doing, but not what Computer Science is good for. And even if they do, they think it has no practical relevance. Let me show you with a simple example, that applied… More »

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