Tips for Faster Rust Compile Times

When it comes to runtime performance, Rust is one of the fastest guns in the west. 🔫 It is on par with the likes of C and C++ and sometimes even surpasses those. Compile times, however? That’s another story. Below is a list of tips and tricks on how to make your Rust project compile faster today. Th… More »


Here's a test to check your age: Do you still remember that funny JavaScript gravity effect, which Google used on their homepage ten years ago? More »

Hacker Folklore

Some computer terms have a surprising legacy. Many of them are derived from long-obsolete technologies. This post tries to dust off the exciting history of some of these terms that we use every day but aren’t quite sure about their origins. Let’s jump right in! Bike-Shed… More »

A Timelapse of Timelapse

Timelapse is a little open-source screen recorder for macOS. It takes a screenshot every second and creates a movie in the end. To celebrate its unlikely 1.0 release today, I present here a timelapse of this project's journey. It just took ten years to get here. More »

A Tiny, Static, Full-Text Search Engine using Rust and WebAssembly

I wrote a basic search module that you can add to a static website. It’s very lightweight (50kB-100kB gzipped) and works with Hugo, Zola, and Jekyll. Only searching for entire words is supported. Try the search box on the left for a demo. The code is on Github. Static site generators are magica… More »

What Is Rust Doing Behind the Curtains?

Rust allows for a lot of syntactic sugar, that makes it a pleasure to write. It is sometimes hard, however, to look behind the curtain and see what the compiler is really doing with our code. More »

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Excel Macros

I never was a big fan of internships, partially because all the exciting companies were far away from my little village in Bavaria and partially because I was too shy to apply. Only once I applied for an internship in Ireland as part of a school program. Our teacher assigned the jobs and so my friend got one at Apple and I ended up at a medium-sized IT distributor — let’s call them PcGo. More »

Switching from a German to a US Keyboard Layout - Is It Worth It?

For the first three decades of my life, I’ve exclusively used a German keyboard layout for programming. In 2018, I finally switched to a US layout. This post summarizes my thoughts around the topic. I was looking for a similar article before jumping the gun, but I couldn’t find one — so I wrote it. … More »

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