Howto Sort a Vector or a List in C++ using STL

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A little code snippet that people need very often.

* Howto sort a vector or a list in C++ using STL

#include <algorithm>  // Needed for sort() method
#include <vector>     // STL vector class
#include <list>       // STL list class
#include <iostream>   // Needed for cout,endl

using namespace std;  // Save us some typing

* This is a comparison function. It can be used to tell sort()
* how to order the elements in our container (the vector or list).
* You can write a comparator for every data type (i.e. double, string...).
bool comp(const int& num1, const int& num2) {
    return num1 > num2;

int main() {

    // A vector containing integers
    vector<int> v;

    // Insert some values

    // The generic STL sort function uses three parameters:
    // v.begin()  Iterator pointing at the _beginning_ of the container
    // v.end()    Iterator pointing at the _end_ of it
    // comp       [Optional] A comparison function (see above)
    // The above mentioned iterators must be random access iterators because
    // sort() takes advantage of clever tricks that require direct access to
    // all elements of the vector. This makes it really fast.
    // (Currently introsort is used with O(n*log n) even in worst case).

    sort(v.begin(), v.end(), comp);

    cout << "Vector: ";

    // Iterate over vector elements
    vector<int>::iterator vIt;
    for (vIt = v.begin(); vIt != v.end(); vIt++) {
        // Print current element to standard output
        cout << *vIt << " ";
    cout << endl;

    // A list containing integers
    list<int> l;

    // Insert some values

    // Here is the major difference between vectors and lists in general:
    // Vectors offer fast random access to every element
    // but inserting a new element at the beginning or in the middle is slow.
    // On the other hand inserting into a list is fast but searching for
    // a specific element is slow.
    // Vectors behave much like an array, while lists only allow slow sequential access.
    // Therefore we need a different function to sort all elements that does
    // not need random access iterators.
    // comp  [Optional] A comparison function (see above)
    // Note that sort() is specific for the list and is implemented as a
    // member function of list<>. This is feels more object oriented than the vector.

    cout << "List: ";

    // A pointer to a list element
    list<int>::iterator lIt;
    for (lIt = l.begin(); lIt != l.end(); lIt++) {
        cout << *lIt << " ";
    cout << endl;

    return 0;

Compilation and execution

Save the above code inside a file, e.g. list_vector.cpp and compile it like so:

clang++ list_vector.cpp

To run it, execute the resulting binary.


Program output

Vector: 12 5 1
List: 12 5 1

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